Anxiety and Depression Testing Austin, TX
Why You Should Choose Dr. Amy G. Brown and Sound Mind Psychology!
A professional psychologist can help you understand how different people perceive things, make decisions, and react, based on their state of mind. A thorough psychological evaluation will provide the answers you need, and a psychological expert will help you and your loved ones cope with their struggle.
At Dr. Amy G. Brown’s Sound Mind Psychology, we are confident about the services we provide and will not shy away from giving you referrals. Besides, we will be happy to tell you why we are the top name when it comes to psychological evaluations.
As the best psychological testing experts in Austin, TX, we ensure that we exceed expectations and always put you first. Dr. Amy Brown is the clinical director of Sound Mind Psychology and specializes in psychological evaluations for adults, adolescents, and children. She is passionate about comprehensive psychological evaluations that offer answers and practical actions, which help you cope better.